Friday, January 23, 2015

3 ways I FAILED as a Christian Teenager

I guess my hair style could be one of my failures.
Me As A Teenager
I guess one failure could have been my hairstyle.
And look at that neck!
     I grew up in the church.  I was a PK (Preacher's Kid).  I've heard all of the stories of what that means,
and whether you have heard them or not, it probably doesn't matter.  The basics of it is, I should have known better.  There are too many failures to actually list here, so I'm only going to list 3 that have risen to the top.

     Yes, I had the answers!  I could quote at least 2 verses which included John 3:16 and John 11:35.  I knew the "ABC's" of the Christian faith (Admit, Believe, Confess) and I could tell you every "children's" story mentioned in the Bible.  The problem was that I had no idea what any of it really meant or how it truly fit into God's Story and His plan for His people.
     Every year at church camp I would recommit myself and start reading in Genesis.  I knew those first few verses "In the Beginning" pretty well.  I never made it out of that first book.  Sometimes, after much conviction and encouragement from Christian friends I would read a few verses from one of the Gospels.  On occasion I would also follow along with the pastor as he preached from the Word.  But that was it...
     The reason this is such a big failure is because I had made a commitment to the Almighty Creator of the Universe!  It wasn't a commitment to read the Bible, but it was a commitment to follow Him.  It's extremely hard to follow someone and do what they ask if you do not know that person or what they are asking.  I proudly walked my high school hallways as if I understood God, but I had no clue.  I mean, honestly, who has time to read that huge book when there are some Imps to slaughter in Final Fantasy on the Nintendo?

Failure #2 - LYING...  TO EVERYONE
     I was a big fat liar!  I mean really!  I lied about everything.  I don't know where I got it or why I did it, but looking back it seems I lived most of my adolescent years in a lie.  I lied to my parents about where I went on a date.  I lied to my teachers about about what happened to my homework.  I lied to my friends when telling them about what I did the weekend before.  What was I thinking?  Most of the lies really didn't mean much.  I wouldn't have been in trouble if I had told my parents the truth.  I wouldn't have been less popular if I had told my friends that I went skating instead of to the movies.
    The big problem with my lying was that I began to believe some of the stories I was spinning.  It became really confusing trying to keep all of those stories straight.
     The failure in lying was two fold for me.  First, lying is a sin.  There is no need to do it and it can only hurt us and those around us.  Second, instead of lying to make the cut among my family and friends, I could have been demonstrating Jesus among my family and friends.  And that leads me to my 3rd failure.

     It took me a while to realize this, but when a person claims to be a follower of Jesus and boasts how great it is, lives like he's following the devil himself and demonstrates a mundane existence, then who would want that gospel?

     Author Brennan Manning said,

“The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today is Christians: who acknowledge Jesus with their lips, walk out the door, and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable.”

     I wonder with great anxiety how many of my friends will never get to spend eternity with their Creator because of what I said and how I acted.  

     I hope you have been enlightened by my confession time.  I pray that you will learn from my mistakes.  Sometimes it is best to not have to suffer through your own failures when you can learn from someone else's.

Sunday, January 11, 2015


2 years ago I signed up on Blogger and made one post.  Then silence.  I was excited about that post.  Many people read that post.  I just finished rereading it and it was pretty good.  But then there was silence...

This seems to be the story of my life.  I get excited about a project and rarely see it through, or I have a major desire to do something and other things fill my time instead.  For some reason, 2 years ago I named this blog "A Noble Life" and now I am curious why I chose that name.  I am a person with the name Noble, but I would have to admit that I am not a very Noble person.  Silence...

I pray about this.  I spend time asking Jesus to help me to live up to my name.  Sometimes I am brave. Sometimes I am honorable.  Sometimes I look out for others instead of myself.  Sometimes... Silence...

What is your name?  What is your life like?  Do you live up to your name?  Are you fulfilling all that God has planned for you?  Have you ever encountered the silence?

I have a feeling that there is something in the silence that I have been missing.  Or, at least there is something happening that I forget to remember.  See, in the silence, in between those exciting moments and unfinished projects, there is something that is pretty sweet.  There is family.  There is my 9 year old boy, Jeremiah and my 2 year old girl, Ezra.  There is my beautiful and lovely wife, Sara.  In the silence there are numerous friends, mentors, activities, and things that are not so silent.  In fact, the silence can get pretty loud.  It screams for attention, care, and love.  

I've heard that God speaks in the silence...  Are you listening?

"For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from him."  Ps. 62:5